Eastern Global Short Film Awards

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Giving respect to the female gender is the hallmark of any civilized society. In India, we are currently giving extra emphasis to women – their protection, empowerment and above all their right to be equal partners to men in social life.
The reality is not always very cheerful. Little girls who ought to be the apple of everyone’s eyes and grow up to be pillars of society are often marginalized. And discrimination continues as she grows up into a woman. Of course, there are stories of women empowerment that will make all of us proud, too.
All of those stories are welcome in the competition section of the Eastern Global Short Film Awards 2017 under the focus theme, ‘Women’s Journey’.

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Posted by Global Short Film Awards on Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Event Date

10 January 2018
9 : 00 AM

Event Location

Ernakulam Municipal Town-hall, Cochin